
  • [75 LeetCode] 29 - Pacific Atlantic Water Flow
    Study/Leetcode 2023. 5. 11. 23:48
    [75 LeetCode]는 코딩테스트 연습을 위해 한 페이스북 개발자가 추천하는 75가지 알고리즘 문제를 풀어보는 시리즈이다.

    블라인드 원문:

    문제 링크: https://leetcode.com/problems/pacific-atlantic-water-flow/description/


    Pacific Atlantic Water Flow - LeetCode

    Can you solve this real interview question? Pacific Atlantic Water Flow - There is an m x n rectangular island that borders both the Pacific Ocean and Atlantic Ocean. The Pacific Ocean touches the island's left and top edges, and the Atlantic Ocean touches


    모든 점에 대해 DFS를 통해서 Atlantic과 Pacific 모두에 닿을 수 있는지 확인해준다.

    캐싱을 통해 연산을 줄일 수 있다.
    DFS 진행 중, 이미 결과가 나온 점을 다시 지나는 경우가 있다.
    이 때, 그 점이 Atlantic/Pacific에 닿는지 안닿는지를 알고 있으므로 캐싱된 값을 이용해준다.

    vis는 이번 DFS에서 중복 방문을 막기 위해 설정한 값이다.

     * @param {number[][]} heights
     * @return {number[][]}
    var pacificAtlantic = function(heights) {
        const rowLen = heights.length;
        const colLen = heights[0].length;
        const arr = [];
        const vectors = [[0, 1], [1, 0], [0, -1], [-1, 0]];
        // check this node can finally flow to both ocean.
        // 0: failed; 1: pacific; 2: atlantic; 3: success
        const cache = [...new Array(rowLen)].map(_ => new Array(colLen).fill(undefined));
        const vis = [...new Array(rowLen)].map(_ => new Array(colLen).fill(0));
        const dfs = (r, c) => {
            if (cache[r][c] !== undefined) return cache[r][c];
            if (vis[r][c]) return 0;
            vis[r][c] = 1;
            const val = heights[r][c];
            let ret = 0;
            if (r === 0 || c === 0) {
                ret |= 1;
            if (r === rowLen - 1 || c === colLen - 1) {
                ret |= 2;
            if (ret !== 3 && r >= 1 && heights[r - 1][c] <= val) {
                ret |= dfs(r - 1, c);
            if (ret !== 3 && c >= 1 && heights[r][c - 1] <= val) {
                ret |= dfs(r, c - 1);
            if (ret !== 3 && r < rowLen - 1 && heights[r + 1][c] <= val) {
                ret |= dfs(r + 1, c);
            if (ret !== 3 && c < colLen - 1 && heights[r][c + 1] <= val) {
                ret |= dfs(r, c + 1);
            vis[r][c] = 0;
            return ret
        for (let i = 0; i < rowLen; i++) {
            for (let j = 0; j < colLen; j++) {
                const res = dfs(i, j);
                cache[i][j] = res;
                if (res === 3) {
                    arr.push([i, j]);
        return arr;

    solution을 찾아보니 더 효율적인 풀이가 있다.
    모든 점에 대해 DFS를 시행하는 대신에, Atlantic/Pacific에 대해 인접한 노드들에서부터 시작해 닿을 수 있는 노드들을 체크하는 것이다.
    이 둘이 겹치는 경우 우리가 원하는 답이된다.

     * @param {number[][]} heights
     * @return {number[][]}
    var pacificAtlantic = function(heights) {
        if (!heights.length) return heights
        const PACIFIC_OCEAN_VALUE = 1;
        const ATLANTIC_OCEAN_VALUE = 2;
        let y = heights.length, 
            x = heights[0].length, 
            ans = [],
            dp = new Uint8Array(x * y);
        const dfs = (length, width, ocean, originHeight) => {
            let position = length * x + width;
            const isFlowedToThisOcean = dp[position] & ocean;
            const isLowerThanOriginHeight = heights[length][width] < originHeight;
            if (isFlowedToThisOcean || isLowerThanOriginHeight) return;
            dp[position] += ocean, originHeight = heights[length][width];
            if (dp[position] === PACIFIC_OCEAN_VALUE + ATLANTIC_OCEAN_VALUE) ans.push([length,width]);
            // calculate down
            if (length + 1 < y) dfs(length+1, width, ocean, originHeight);
            // calculate up
            if (length > 0) dfs(length-1, width, ocean, originHeight);
            // calculate right
            if (width + 1 < x) dfs(length, width+1, ocean, originHeight);
            // calculate left
            if (width > 0) dfs(length, width-1, ocean, originHeight);
        for (let length = 0; length < y; length++) {
            dfs(length, 0, PACIFIC_OCEAN_VALUE, heights[length][0]);
            dfs(length, x-1, ATLANTIC_OCEAN_VALUE, heights[length][x-1]);
        for (let width = 0; width < x; width++) {
            dfs(0, width, PACIFIC_OCEAN_VALUE, heights[0][width]);
            dfs(y-1, width, ATLANTIC_OCEAN_VALUE, heights[y-1][width]);
        return ans


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